Plantilla:Cabecera tabla de objetivo

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This table header template is used in conjunction with {{Fila tabla de objetivo}}.


The API check is disabled automatically on the following pages:

  • Achievement pages which includes several achievements. The template collects the achievement id based on the individual achievement name, if there are several achievements (page in {{Logro tabla fila}}) then the template can't decide for the actually wanted achievement id. Set the parameter id to enable the API check.
  • Achievements with the type "meta". Although en:API:2/account/achievements provides the unlocked objectives, the en:API:2/achievements doesn't list them and hence there's no reasonable way to gain the objectives order used by en:API:2/account/achievements. Note that currently the meta achievements are barely documented on an individual achievement page anyways.
  • Achievements with one of the following ids, last updated: March 2022. For these achievements the en:API:2/account/achievements uses another objectives order than the in-game and thus how it is documented on the wiki. In this case a visible warning will appear, see #Additional parameters for further details.
Blacklisted achievement IDs


{{Cabecera tabla de objetivo}}
{{Fila tabla de objetivo|<objetivo>|<notas>}}


1 (unnamed parameter)
Required. Standalone achievement page name. Defaults to PAGENAME. Requires the parameter page to be set in {{achievement table row}}.
Optional on standalone achievement pages. Can be used instead the unnamed parameter 1 on standalone achievement pages to set the id for the API check.
Required for achievements without a standalone achievement page. Set the achievement id to properly enable the API check.
Optional. Achievement api check box, enabled on default. Set to either "true" or "false" to enable/disable the box.
Optional. Map screenshot column, disabled on default. Set to either "true" or "false" to enable/disable the column.
Optional. Localización screenshot column, disabled on default. Set to either "true" or "false" to enable/disable the column.
Optional. Alternative notes column title. Set to "false" to disable the notas column.
col1 ... col3
Optional. Additional custom columns that allow any content, e.g. "Localización" as text, "Nearest waypoint", "Enemies", etc... Set this parameter to the wanted column title to activate this column.
Optional. Appends a CSS class into the table header in addition to the existing value of "table mech1 sortable".
objectives width
Optional. Minimum width of the column Objectives.
notas width
Optional. Width of the column "Notas".
col1 width ... col3 width
Optional. Width of the custom columns.

Additional parameters[editar]

The following parameters are used to handle the en:API:2/achievements objectives list mismatch with the in-game order (and hence the documented wiki order) that certain achievements have. The parameter disable warning allows to disable the warning but the API check box won't be shown then. The parameter personalizar bit allows to assign the API order and thus enables the check.

disable warning
Optional. Allows to disable the warning for achievements that doesn't match the API objectives list by setting it to "true". The API check is not shown.
personalizar bit
Optional. Allows to enable the API check by setting it to "true" in order to enable the API check (also disables the warning). This requires also the usage of the parameter "personalizar bit" in the {{Fila tabla de objetivo}}.

The following warning will appear:

Nota: Por este logro la lista de objetivos de en:API:2/achievements no coincide con el orden del juego. Para evitar que los objetivos completados incorrectamente aparezcan atenuados, la verificación de API se ha deshabilitado.

  • Para deshabilitar esta advertencia establecer el parámetro deshabilitar advertencia=true en la plantilla de encabezado {{Cabecera tabla de objetivo}} en esta página.
  • Para habilitar la comprobación de la API, establece el parámetro personalizar bit=true en la plantilla de encabezado {{Cabecera tabla de objetivo}} y establece el parámetro personalizar bit=X en la plantilla de fila {{Fila tabla de objetivo}} donde X es el número de bit según el API.