Gran actualización de características de abril de 2014

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¡Preparaos para disfrutar de Guild Wars 2 como nunca antes! La gran actualización de características de abril de 2014 es la primera centrada únicamente en funciones del juego. ¡Veréis que viene con sistemas totalmente nuevos, mejoras de características existentes, actualizaciones de equilibrio y más!

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Gran actualización de características de abril de 2014 es un lanzamiento centrándose completamente en las características del juego que salió en 15 abril 2014.


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Rediseño del sistema de rasgos[editar]

  • Each level 80 character now has a total of 14 trait points, each equivalent to 5 trait points prior to the update.
    • Characters earn 1 trait point every 6 levels starting at level 30, y two trait points every 6 levels starting at level 66.
  • Refunding traits is free y can be done whenever out of combat y not in a PvP estructurado match.
  • Each profession gets 5 new grandmaster traits, one for each trait line.
  • Trait tiers now unlock automatically: the adept tier at level 30, the master tier at level 60 y the grandmaster tier at level 80.
  • Individual major traits have to be unlocked first. This can be done by using a specific trait guide, which you can find in story dungeons, minidungeons, WvW, personal story, by killing bosses, discovering areas o buying from a profession trainer.
    • New players will have all major traits locked, existing characters will only have the traits new in this update locked.

Equilibra y construye diversidad[editar]

  • Ferocidad is being introduced as a non-percentage secondary atributo y daño crítico is being converted into a derived attribute.
    • On equipment, this will remove the discrepancies between item types that had different ratios of Critical Damage percentage to numerical attributes, since Ferocity will follow the standard numerical progression.
    • Critical Damage will now show the base 150% multiplier (previously hidden) y is increased by Ferocity at a rate of 1% per 15 Ferocity.
    • This change is estimated to reduce the damage output of a full berserker build by 10%.
  • Celestial equipment stats increased by 6%.
  • Every runa set has been reworked y rebalanced.
    • Rune set bonuses altered to give higher payoff with 4 o more pieces of the same type worn.
    • Runes in SPvP are all equipped to a single slot at once y are otherwise equivalent to the PvE versions.
  • Sello mechanics updated y rebalanced.
    • Effect recharges are separate for different sigil types.
    • Two-handed weapons get two sigil slots.
    • Some sigils with an effect on crit now work on hit.
    • On-kill stacking effects disappear upon unequipping the weapon with the sigil, performing weapon swaps, y moving in and/or out of water.
    • Killing players in SPvP y WvW grants 5 stacks.
  • Overall tweaks y rework to many habilidades y rasgos, including mascota y torreta AI updates y bug fixes.

Guardarropa y tintes para toda la cuenta[editar]


  • A Wardrobe tab added to the arcón de la cuenta that functions similarly to el armario PvP. The wardrobe has slots for every available skin in the game y the slots will be filled as you acquire new skins.
  • El armario PvP will likely be removed once the wardrobe is introduced.
  • Diseños de armadura y arma are converted into account-wide unlocks accessed through an account wardrobe.
  • An equipment skin can be unlocked by:
    1. Using a carga de transmutación
    2. Equipping the item
    3. Salvaging the item
    4. Binding the weapon to the account with the context menu.
  • Skins for items that are already account bound o soulbound on acquire are automatically unlocked when you acquire the item.
  • There is a new interface on the Panel de héroe's Equipment tab for applying skins. Skins can be applied to all slots at once in a preview mode before accepting the changes.
  • Applying a skin to a slot will cost a carga de transmutación. This system replaces the current Transmutación system. Existing Piedra de transmutacións y Cristal de transmutacións can be converted into Transmutación Charges at rates of 3 stones per charge y 1 crystal per charge respectively.
  • Ropa de ciudad is being converted into single-slot "Outfits" which can be toggled on/off similar to how helms, gloves, y back items currently work.
    • Applying skins to the outfit slot will not cost any Transmutación Charges.
    • Outfits will be persistent at all times - entering combat will no longer force you into your armor set.[1]
    • Single-piece town clothing items will be converted into armor skins that are usable with any armor weight class.
    • "Some basic clothing items that are no longer available for purchase will be converted into endless tonics."
  • When the feature pack is released, you will need to log in to each character on your account in order to unlock the skins that are currently bound to that character.
    • Any transmuted items will unlock the skin for both the item that provided its current appearance y the one that provided its current stats.
    • All accounts that log in between the launch of the feature pack on April 15 y midnight PST on April 16 will receive 5 free Transmutación charges.[2]


  • The tinte interface on the Panel de héroe will be linked with the wardrobe interface, allowing you to preview both skins y tintes together before accepting the appearance change.
    • Selecting a tinte y then hovering over a tinte channel will temporarily apply the tinte to that channel on the paper doll.
    • A "tinte picker" tool will be added, allowing you to select a tinte from the tintes already applied to your character, rather than having to search for the tinte in your tinte list.
  • Tintes are also being converted into account-wide unlocks.
  • Tintes sin identificar are being removed from todos tablas de botín. They can still be obtained from the Forja Mística, hue-specific unidentified tintes Cocinero recipes, y other sources.
    • Both unidentified y identified tintes will remain tradable on the Bazar.
    • The recipe for crafting Don del color requires 100 Tinte sin identificar instead of 250.[3]
  • As with equipment skins, you will need to log in to each character on your account in order to transfer the tintes unlocked on that character to account unlocks.
  • If you have tintes unlocked on multiple characters (besides the Starter set), you will receive an Unidentified Tinte for each duplicate unlock.

Juego social[editar]

Vinculado a cuenta[editar]

  • Experiencia de mundo is being converted from character-bound to account-bound.
    • As with most character-to-account changes, you will need to log in to each character to have their individual WXP added to your account total.
    • World Ability Points will be reset. Characters will still be able to allocate points individually, y each character's total points will be based on your account's WXP rank.
  • Arma legendarias change binding from Ligado en Uso a Vinculado a cuenta.
  • Equipamiento ascendido will no longer be Ligado en Uso, it will remain Vinculado a cuenta.

PvP estructurado[editar]

  • PvP equipment unified with PvE y WvW.
  • Ruta de recompensas
    • Each track is a separate progression of rewards that you earn by gaining rank points. Only one reward track can be active at a time.
    • Individual reward tracks can be temporary o permanent, y one-time o repeatable.
    • Tracks have 40 rewards each, split into 8 tiers of 5, including loot boxes, crafting materials, Transmutación Charges, weapons, armor, skill points y Tomos de conocimiento.
    • Hallazgo mágico does affect the rewards you get from the cajas de botín.
    • Dungeon reward tracks are on a rotating schedule, changing every two weeks. Characters that have completed the story mode of the respective dungeon have that reward track unlocked permanently. These are repeatable.[5]
    • Region reward tracks are also repeatable y are unlocked sequentially as you complete the previous ones.[5]
    • Ruta de recompensas del objeto para espalda de Balthazar introduces diseño de llamas de Balthazar, a back piece obtainable only in PvP. This reward track is not repeatable.
    • Mundo viviente y holidays can come with special reward tracks.
    • Except for the Don de la batalla y Don de la exploración, all materials for crafting armas legendaria as well as Fragmento empíreos, Montón de polvo de hematites y Mineral de dragonita will be earnable in PvP.
  • PvP Build UI will allow you to easily customize your traits y equipment including runes y sigils for PvP matches.
    • All equipment stat combinations y traits from before this update are available to every character. New equipment y traits can be unlocked in the UI.
    • Underwater weapons are removed from PvP y Asalto al Capricornio is being retired.[5]
  • Quick Launch Bar UI for easy access to the PvP Build panel, game browser y arenas.
  • PvP rank points rebalanced.
    • Ranks from 39 on are fixed at approx. 20,000 rank points each. As a result, players with their rank in the mid 50s will now have enough points for rank 80.[5]
    • Each rank gives 5 skill points, 1 Tome of Knowledge y 5 champion bags.
    • After rank 80, you'll continue to gain the respective rewards just like you do in PvE y WvW after level 80.
  • Logros diario unified with Logro diario de PvP as well as mensuales with Logro mensuales de PvP. April 2014's monthly achievements will be split into two at first y will each require only 2 achievements for completion. When this release launches, they will be merged into one that requires 4 achievements to complete.

Sistema de megaservidor[editar]

  • Players will no longer be segregated into separate copies of a map based on their home world selection. Instead, all players will be placed into shared copies (instances) of the map, which will be instantiated as necessary to hold the current population of that map.
    • Zona saturada shards will no longer exist.
    • Maps are still region-based, i.e. North American servers are separate from European servers.
  • Upon entering a map, players will be placed in the copy of the map based on a set of heuristics which includes your party, guild, language, y home world. This will dramatically increase the chance that you will be placed in the same map as your party y guildmates, o other players who speak your language.
  • The initial roll-out will affect PvP lobbies y low population maps.[6] This will allow the system to be tested on low population densities before being introduced to high population maps such as cities y popular spots for farming o events.
  • The roll-out of the megaserver system was completed on April 21st, 2014.

Jefes mundiales[editar]

Punto de rutas[editar]

  • As a result of the new system, all contestable punto de rutas will appear contested except for ones in your current map. When traveling to a different map, you will have to first travel to an incontestable punto de ruta y then travel to a contestable punto de ruta.
    • Contestable dungeon entrances will appear contested unless you are in the same map.
    • Estatuas de los dioses en las Ruinas de Orr will now be linked to the closest templo, rather than being linked to the temple of the same god.

Clans y Mundo contra Mundo[editar]

  • Details on guilds y World versus World will be released as the date for the roll out of the new system approaches.
  • Changes to guilds will take place by December 2014.

Campeones del mundo abierto[editar]

All open world champions have been converted into eventos to allow for them to scale for large groups, o have had their classification changed to elite o veteran:


  • Reparaciones will now be free. You will still have to visit a repair NPC o use an Bote de reparación instantánea to perform a repair.
  • The amount of gold from champion loot bags y eventos will be decreased. This is to compensate for the removal of systems (like repairs y trait resets) that previously removed gold from the economy.
  • The chance of rares y exotics in the mystic forge will be adjusted. This will not affect precursors.
  • Total achievement points from dailies is limited to 10,000 y from monthlies to 5,000.

Enlaces externos[editar]
