Plantilla:Lista de rasgo

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This template returns a list of traits that grant a certain bendición, apply a certain condición or a certain efecto de control. Sorted by profession (alphabetically within heavy, medium, light), by elite specialization and by trait line. It relies on the usage of the template {{información}} which sets the according skill fact properties. An overview of the skill fact properties and their tipos can be found here. Format using {{Formato de resultados de lista de rasgo}}.

Related templates
Usage Skill templates Trait templates Description
Section {{Habilidades relacionadas}} {{Rasgos relacionados}} These templates list all related skills/traits based on {{información}} and on the {{rasgo caja}} improves parameters. They create subsection headings automatically.
Subsection {{Lista de habilidad}} {{Lista de rasgo}} These templates list all related skills of a certain context (e.g. weapon, utility)/traits based on {{información}}
{{Lista de habilidad por propiedad}} {{Lista de rasgo por propiedad}} These templates list all related skills/traits based on a smw query, e.g. based on the {{rasgo caja}} improves parameters.
Inline {{Entrada de lista de rasgo}} This template displays the profession icon, trait icon, trait, trait line and trait description.

For trait skills use {{lista de habilidad|Rasgo|<efecto>}} (or {{lista de habilidad|Rasgo}} using page name as default value).


{{Lista de rasgo|<effect>|tipo=<tipo>}}


1 (unnamed parameter)
Required. Trait fact, boon, condition or control effect, e.g. Poder, Quemadura. Defaults to PAGENAME.
Optional. Trait fact tipo. For boons, conditions and control effect this is set automatically. See also here.
Optional. Either "none", "descripción" (default) or "notes" (stacks and duration).
Optional. Allows to ask for the skill effect número, e.g. "20" for Physical Projectile (20% chance) and "100" for Physical Projectile.
Optional. secundario effect, e.g. "converted from" attribute for tipo "Conversión de atributos". Disables the default PAGENAME for unnamed parameter 1.
incluye efectos
Optional. Include fact tipo "Effect" facts to allow keywords set via effect bonus (i.e. to ask for Propiedad:Tiene efecto de hecho instead of Propiedad:Tiene hecho), e.g. "Potencia" for Perspicacia de atacante. Either "no" (default), "yes" or "only".
Optional. Intro text.
Optional. Default text.
Optional. Additional query.


{{Lista de rasgo|Potencia}}
{{Lista de rasgo|Potencia|incluye efectos=solo}}
{{Lista de rasgo|Potencia|incluye efectos=si}}
{{Lista de rasgo|Dureza|número=<0}}
  • No se encontraron rasgos.
{{Lista de rasgo|tipo=Conversión de atributos|secundario=Potencia}}

Format comparison (parameter "sufijo")[editar]

descripción (default) none
{{Lista de rasgo|Potencia|sufijo=descripción}}
{{Lista de rasgo|Potencia|sufijo=none}}